I-90 work delayed again

Published 10:27 am Monday, August 12, 2013

Project could extend a month and a half later than planned 

Construction crews could remain on Interstate 90 through Austin until the end of August, a month and a half later than an originally planned completion date.

“There have been a couple delays,” said Kristin Kammueller, MnDOT regional community relations coordinator. “Weather has played a factor in this.”

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Last month, contractors extended their completion date to the end of July but did not finish by that date. Kammueller added one of the contractor’s workload, with several other projects around the state, has left the I-90 project strapped for workers.

“They have a lot of other jobs,” Kammueller said. “The contractor is trying to manage staff and get people down there.”

While much of the major work is done, crews still need to repair the shoulders, make new striping and do miscellaneous cleanup, which could take several weeks.

“We do appreciate the motorists’ patience throughout the project,” Kammueller said.