Pacelli announces raffle winners
Published 10:33 am Monday, September 2, 2013
Pacelli Catholic Schools 100 year all-school reunion capped off Monday, Aug. 26, with the grand prize 2013 Dodge Avenger going to Fran and Diane Baudoin of Dexter.
The Baudoins, who had purchased their raffle ticket at a St. Augustine’s mass, said they were surprised and grateful.
“This is awesome,” Diane said in a press release. “Timing is good, as our 1999 car just hit 200,000 miles, so we were due to trade up soon.”
The winners of Pacelli’s raffle were announced at the Saturday night concert at Marcusen Park, which was co-sponsored by Pacelli and the Austin ArtWorks Festival. The drawing was done between the performances of Martin Zellar & The Hardways and Cloud Cult.
Zellar and Nick Ciola, both Austin natives, served as the honorary ticket drawers.
“We’d like to congratulate the winners, to thank all of the 500 tickets buyers and to thank the donors for supporting Pacelli,” said Steve Holtorf, raffle coordinator. “Because all the prizes for this raffle were donated, all proceeds go directly to Pacelli.”