Concerning the social
Published 6:36 pm Saturday, September 7, 2013
By Holly Johnson
Hormel Historic Home
So what is the Social Concerns Program at the Hormel Historic Home?
That is a question I had when I first started in my role at the HHH. To me the name suggests there are topics in our social world that are of concern to people — topics that have appeal to many because they are relevant to all in some way. It is not that the themes are concerning but that they concern us all in one form or another. From nature, to home to health to history, we all have common interests, and the HHH wants to provide programming that reaches everyone.
In planning the calendar for the upcoming “educational year,” many different topics came to mind. Our Austin culture is very diverse, so the realm of topics is expansive. Offering these free, educational presentations to the community fits within the mission of the Hormel Historic Home.
The Hormels left the home in the hands of the YWCA to ensure safe living quarters for women, but they also wanted it to be a place where groups of people could come together and learn.
I am not sure how long the HHH has been hosting the Social Concerns events but I do have the list of presentations as far back as January of 2006. The issues covered range from Preventing Identity Theft to Digital Television Conversion to the Ghost Towns of Mower County. Since then, at least 65 presentations have been offered to crowds from 10-60 people.
I am pleased to share with you the topics for the next several months, so mark your calendars and join us for the following events from 10-11 a.m. on the dates below. Coffee and a treat are always served. A call to let us know you are coming would be appreciated. 507-433-4243.
•Sept. 17: Benefits of Acupuncture by Jason Richards
•Oct. 15: Responsible Charitable Giving by Randy Kramer
•Nov. 19: Natural Holidays by SuperFresh
•Dec. 16: (Monday)-Laughter, the Best Medicine by Julie Champlin
•Jan. 21: The Magic of Owls by Larry Dolphin
•Feb. 18: Dig Into Clutter by Simply Organized
•March 18: Mower County Historical Society
•April 14: Spruce Up Austin
•May 20: To be determined
September: Membership Party month
All members are invited to stop in for coffee and a treat during regular business hours.
Board of Directors Meeting
Monday, Sept. 9, 4 p.m.* Note the new time
Social Concerns
Tuesday, Sept. 17
Please note the date. The event is Sept. 17 not Sept. 10 as previously printed
Jason Richards from Austin Acupuncture will present on the many benefits of this ancient science.
Program is free, and treats will be provided. Please register by calling 507-433-4243.
Italian Murder Mystery Dinner
Saturday, Sept. 21, 6 p.m.
A mystery will be performed by the 17th St. Players and we need you to solve it
Tickets are $30 per person or $200 for a table of 8. Order online at or by calling the HHH, 507-433-4243.