Austin resident joins women’s football league

Published 10:46 pm Tuesday, November 11, 2008

An Austin resident has found away to take out her anger and have fun while doing it.

That’s because Angie Vietor, 22, recently earned a roster spot on the Minnesota Vixen — a team based out of Minneapolis that plays in the National Women’s Football Association.

The Vixen are entering their 10th season and are the longest lasting NWFA team — they were 6-2 last year.

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“I love football. It’s a good way to get your aggression out without getting arrested for it,” Vietor said. “I played football with my neighbors and my parents always liked football. I watch my favorite team, the Green Bay Packers every Sunday and I never miss a game.”

After a tip from one of her roommates, Vietor had initially earned a spot on the Iowa Crush of Des Moines, who play in the Independent Women’s Football League. But she discovered the Vixen and was drawn to them. The day after she contacted the coach, she was in a tryout.

“I wanted to play for a serious team and the Iowa team was accepting anybody. The Vixens have their standards,” she said.

Vietor will tryout again in January for what position she will play. She is currently on special teams, but would like to play defensive line.

Vietor has always been drawn to football and she is pleased that the NWFA basically follows NFL rules and is full contact.

“I’m six-foot tall and 265,” she said. “There’s a lot of girls who don’t believe in playing tackle but I’ve always been a tom boy and I figured it would be awesome so I had to try it.”

After joining the team, Vietor has had to explain to a lot of people what women’s football is all about.

“Many people have no idea what women’s football is all about,” she said. “So I sent them to youtube, which has all kinds of highlights. It’s new for them, but as soon as they see it, they’re like ‘wow, women can play football and they really tackle.’”

Vietor also learned a few things about women’s football as she got to know some of the other players.

“You’d be surprised who half the players are behind the scenes. A lot of the girls are serious people that have children and are married,” she said. “They have a normal life and are just looking to play football.”

The NWFA does not pay its players, but it does have sponsors. It’s season starts April 4.