Letter: Vote yes for a strong Austin

Published 9:05 am Wednesday, October 23, 2013

My name is Ruth Donahue and my husband, Patrick, and I are 1998 graduates of Austin Public Schools.

We currently live in Minneapolis and our oldest son just started kindergarten. After reviewing many schools in the metro area we realize how lucky we were to grow up in Austin and participate in the public school music program. Unfortunately very few schools in the metro area have as strong a music program as Austin does.

I received an excellent education from Austin Public Schools. I want to thank all the wonderful teachers I had. I would also like to encourage the community to keep the current funding for Austin schools by renewing the referendum which will be voted upon on Tuesday, Nov. 5.

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No new taxes will be created if the school district referendum is renewed. The state of Minnesota will provide 60 percent of the cost, but the only way the district will receive this funding is if the referendum is approved.

Please help to keep Austin Public Schools strong and vote yes on Tuesday, Nov. 5.



Ruth and Patrick Donahue,
