Letter: Continue to support orchestra

Published 10:55 am Thursday, October 24, 2013

Austin area residents have a great opportunity to hear a fantastic story teller and delightful Celtic music at the same time. Sunday, Oct. 27, at 2 p.m., the Austin Symphony Orchestra will present Celtic Carnival, featuring storyteller Kevin Kling.

“The Burning Wisdom of Finn McCool” is a delightful musical retelling of Finn, a legendary Irish giant, and his heroic deeds. Kling is often featured on Minnesota Public Radio, and ranks up with Garrison Keillor as a storyteller. Held in Knowlton Auditorium at Austin High School, the concert includes Celtic music with cellist and Austinite Darrin Sellers. Children are free and tickets can be purchased at Hy-Vee and Coffee on Main for $12. Elementary students from Austin and area schools will hear the concert on Monday morning as part of the Austin Symphony’s education program.

This is the 57th season for the symphony. Austin is one of very few cities of its size to have such a continuing history of concert music. It has a record of great music and fine musicians. Austin should be proud of this record and the symphony board encourages the public to support this fine organization and its contribution to the arts.

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Terry Dorsey and Fred Bogott, co-chairs,

Austin Symphony Board