Our Opinion: Safety before spooks
Published 10:38 am Wednesday, October 30, 2013
The ghosts, vampires, zombies, princesses and superheroes will be out on a quest for candy Thursday night, but mere mortals will play an important role in keeping the youngsters safe.
As youngsters get ready for Halloween, all residents should be aware and cautious to not let the spookiest night of the year become a scare.
Agencies like the American Red Cross, the Centers for Disease Control and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration offer many tips for a safe Halloween, but most center on parents, trick-or-treating children and homeowners giving away candy. But it’s vital that all area residents — especially those who don’t have trick-or-treating children and those who don’t participate in the festivities — to act with extra caution Thursday.
Halloween is perhaps the busiest night of year when it comes to pedestrian traffic in most communities, and it doesn’t help that much trick-or-treating takes place after dark. And while we’d like to believe all children and teens out and about Thursday will act responsibly and be accompanied by a parent or adult, we know kids will be kids.
That makes it more important that adults out and about Thursday need to drive with extra caution and act responsibly.
The need for safety and trust is an obligation we all share every Oct. 31. Have a safe and spooky Halloween, everyone.
Don’t let candy go to waste
If you’re a bit leery of all the sweets your child will be getting Thursday, give some of them back to a good cause.
Dentists Elrod, Green and Hyland DDS hold its second Halloween buyback Friday and Monday. The office will buy back candy from area residents for $1 per pound to send to soldiers overseas as part of Operation Gratitude.
Residents can drop off candy from 8 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. Friday and from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday. All residents are invited to donate candy.
Halloween tips
If you and your family want some helpful tips, try a few of these links: