Jessica Pedersen: Noon Kiwanis student of the month

Published 10:51 am Friday, November 29, 2013

Academic Achievements:



All through high school, I have been enrolled in as many Pre-AP and AP courses as possible. Starting the beginning of my junior year, I was given the opportunity to continue my high school education, and start my college education through the Post Secondary Enrollment Option available through Riverland Community College. Though I haven’t taken classes at the college, I have been involved in many concurrent classes at the high school such as Humanities, Human Geography, and Modern World History, as well as some of the classes that I am currently taking.

Activities (music, sports, community):

At Austin High School, I am very involved in the music program. I am a part of Concert Choir and play the flute in Wind Ensemble and in Symphony Orchestra as one of the Orchestra wind players. Outside of these classes, I am also involved in smaller ensembles. I am part of Austinaires, which is an auditioned group of 26 singers who sing around town during the Christmas season and host a show in the spring. I also play the alto saxophone in jazz band. In school, I am also involved in many leadership and volunteer organizations. I am actively involved in both Student Council and Youth Leadership, where I hold executive positions. I am the historian of student council, and I am the vice president of youth leadership. I am also involved with Scarlet Cord, which is a volunteering program at the high school. I am also actively involved at my church, where I am a part of the Youth Committee, sing on a worship team, and teach Sunday school.

Potential College Plans:

I plan on attending a four-year college or university in the fall; however I have not yet decided where I will be attending. Currently I am accepted to Concordia College in Moorhead, Minn., Wartburg College in Waverly, Iowa, and Winona State University in Winona, Minn. I am fairly certain that I will attend one of these three schools in the fall, however I do not know which one at this time.

A person who has had a positive impact in your academic or school life:

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One person who has significantly impacted my academic experience is Mrs. Andrea Malo. She was my 10th-grade AP U.S. History teacher, and is currently my Student Council advisor. I have learned so much from her over the years and academically, I wouldn’t have been as successful without her. She pushed me to be my best all of the time. Even in times when I didn’t think I was capable, she pushed me just a little bit harder. She encouraged me to step outside of my comfort zone and take chances. One of my goals in life is to have an impact on someone in my life, as great as the impact she has had on mine.

Plans for the future:

I plan to attend a four year college or university in the fall. It has always been a dream of mine to spend my life working with kids. As of right now, I plan to study Elementary Education wherever I choose to attend. I would love to be a middle school teacher someday, teaching either math, or music. A long term goal that I have for myself is to eventually get a master’s degree and become a middle school guidance counselor.