Letter: How did the recession impact you, Austin?
Published 8:10 am Friday, January 3, 2014
Letter to the Editor
I want to hear from you. I am independently researching how the Great Recession affected Austin. Austin is an interesting “case study,” for lack of a better term, on the impact of macroeconomic activity on the micro-economy. As a local resident and former Austin High School grad, my experience with the recession was limited in many ways. Precisely for this reason, I am interested in hearing from anyone who is willing to share with me personal stories describing life during the recession (2007-2009). Repercussions from the downturn can still be felt today, and I would love to add those accounts to my report, as well.
This is not intended to be boring and dry academic research. I’m asking for local residents’ personal accounts so I can make this project lively and dynamic. Please don’t hesitate to share. Any requests for anonymity will be honored. The final research report will be submitted to my course advisor at Luther College as part of my January Term II requirement. Correspondence will be through my Luther College email, lunnma01@luther.edu. I look forward to hearing from you!
Matthew Lunning
Austin High School, 2012
Luther College, 2016