MnDOT seeks online input for statewide bicycle system plan

Published 10:03 am Monday, May 26, 2014

ST. PAUL — The Minnesota Department of Transportation is seeking the public’s input on trails.

MnDOT is seeking input on the statewide bicycle system plan through an online interactive map and survey available through June 1.

The information will help MnDOT identify where improvements are most needed on existing facilities in the bike system so that the agency can more effectively address the needs of bicycle riders in Minnesota.

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The online interactive map and survey are an extension of nine statewide workshops held throughout the state in April and May to gather information about bicycling issues and facility preferences from the public, local government officials and transportation supporters.

“Just like the workshops, the online interactive map and survey will allow people to tell us exactly how MnDOT’s roadways affect their bicycling experiences in their communities and throughout the state,” said Greta Alquist, bike planner, in a press release. “It is important for us to learn about routes or barriers we may not be aware of and whether there is interest in bicycle connections that don’t exist yet.”

The statewide bicycle system plan will be completed in winter 2014-15.

The survey and online interactive map are available at

Click here to read more on future trail expansions in the Austin area.