Knoebel: Artistic talent not needed to appreciate art

Published 8:44 am Sunday, June 29, 2014

On the surface, the Austin Area Commission for the Arts appears to offer a creative outlet for the few community members who consider themselves artistically inclined, and to provide opportunities to experience the arts, which also seems to appeal only to a select few.

However, this is only the tip of the iceberg. I recently had a conversation with someone who said that they were not artsy, as if they needed to apologize for their lack of creativity. A little known secret is that I don’t consider myself artsy either.

A person doesn’t need to think of themselves as artistic to appreciate the arts. It is more about the community impact than the art itself.

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Using the Austin ArtWorks Festival as an example, last year we offered a free opportunity for 6,500 community members and visitors to connect. They gathered around artistic activities, but that was only part of the experience.

More important, it gave them a chance to share time with their friends and neighbors in an usual setting, giving them stories and memories to share for years to come.

It also brought together over 150 artists, many of which once lived in our community and now had the opportunity to share their gift with a place they called home. These community connections are a reason why supporting artistic activity is so vital to our community. Donate today to support these community building activities.

Gifts can be made online at or by mailing a check to 125 4th Ave NE, Austin, MN. The Music In the Outfield concert at Marcusen Park featuring Cloud Cult and Pert Near Sandstone will be another opportunity to join in on the fun on Saturday, August 23 at 7:30pm.

Tickets are $20 in advance and can be purchased online or at the Paramount Theatre box office.