Advocacy program hits busy time of year

Published 5:31 pm Saturday, October 4, 2014

Fall is a busy time for the Advocacy Program. We encourage you to call to set up an appointment. This will assure that we are available when you need to speak with us. Please call the Advocacy office, Nancy at 507-433-8376 or Marianne at 507-433-3462.

Advocacy Office hours are: Nancy, Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Marianne, Tuesday 8 a.m. to noon, Wednesday and Thursday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Fall is time for Medicare Part D open enrollment from Oct. 15 through Dec. 7.

Email newsletter signup

Changes are made each year in the prescription drug plans and because of this, it is beneficial to review your current plan. The plan that worked for you last year may not be the best plan for you in 2015. The Advocacy Program is here to help you sort through the plans. All we ask is that you call ahead and set up an appointment with us. We will need you to bring your Medicare card and a list of all medications, including the dosage and times per day that you take the medication. Let us help you find the most cost efficient plan for you.

The SEMCAC Energy Assistance Program will help pay a portion of your heating bill this winter if you qualify. You will need proof of your gross income for the past three months and your latest heat and electricity bill. To qualify for assistance your income for three months cannot exceed $5,838 for a household of one and $7,635 for a household of two.

The Caregivers Support Group meets at the Senior Center every third Thursday at 10:30 a.m. The next meeting will be held Oct. 16 at the Mower County Senior Center. All caregivers are invited. Our meetings are informal; we provide information on a topic of interest and time is given for open discussion. It is a time for caregivers to share with one another and discuss the challenges and triumphs that they face.

Medicare ABCD’s class is at 5:30 p.m. on Oct. 8 at the Mower County Senior Center. If you are turning 65 or going on Medicare, here’s an opportunity for you to get the information you need to understand it. The class will cover the parts of Medicare: hospital, medical and drug options; including original/ traditional Medicare, Medicare supplements, Medicare advantage plans, Part D prescription drug and preventive benefits, Medicare savings programs, preventing fraud, waste and abuse, and resources and to help you make decisions.

The instructor is a certified State Health Insurance Program Counselor with the Senior LinkAge Line at 800-333-2433. This class is presented in two parts, the first session will cover Parts A and B of Medicare along with the traditional (Medigap) supplemental plans. The second session will cover the Medicare Health (Advantage) Plans and Medicare Part D.

Upcoming Events

Monday: Blood pressure Checks, 9 a.m.; cards (Pinochle, Duplicate Bridge), 12:30 p.m.; Exercise with Evie, 1 p.m.

Tuesday: Silver Sneakers, 8:30 a.m.; Exercise with Evie, 9 a.m.; hamburger stroganoff hotdish,11:30 a.m.; cards (Pinochle, Duplicate Bridge, 500), 12:30 p.m.; HIIT, 5:10 p.m.; Zumba 5:45 p.m.; Zumba, 7 p.m.

Wednesday: Wood Carvers, 8:30 a.m.; Weight Watchers, noon; cards (Duplicate Bridge, Pinochle, Cribbage), 12:30 p.m.; Stitching Bees, 1 p.m.; open chess, 1 p.m.; Weight Watchers, 5:30 p.m.; Medicare A,B,C,D, 5:30-8 p.m.

Thursday: Silver Sneakers, 8:30 a.m.; Exercise with Evie, 9 a.m.; cards (Pinochle, Duplicate Bridge), 12:30 p.m.; Bingo, 1 p.m.; open chess, 1 p.m.; HIIT, 5:10 p.m.; Zumba, 5:45 p.m.; Zumba, 7 p.m.

Friday: Cards (Duplicate Bridge, Pinochle, Cribbage), 12:30 p.m.; Ping Pong, 3 p.m.

 Weekly Card Results

Monday Bridge

Sept. 22, three tables

1st Quentin Fiala, 2nd Jaynard Johnson, 3rd Dave Solomonson, 4th Carolyne Higgins, 5th Arnie Lang

Tuesday Duplicate Bridge

Sept. 23, seven tables

1st Millie Seiver,

1st Jim Fisher; 2nd Dave Solomonson, 2nd Judy Bungum; 3rd Gene Muchow, 3rd Ron Peters, 4th Gail Schmidt; 4th Ray Schmidt, 5th Quentin Fiala

5th Carolyne Higgins

Tuesday 500

Sept. 23, three tables

1st Gene Rauen, 2nd Mary Freitag, 3rd Paula Davies, 4th Dorothy Stern


Dave Solomonson

Friday Bridge

Sept. 26, three tables

1st Millie Seiver, 2nd Mary Johnsen, 3rd Jaynard Johnson, 4th Lois Johnson, 4th Betty Jorgenson

Wednesday Cribbage

Sept. 24, two tables

1st Bud Read, 2nd Hilton Henschen, 3rd Loretta Nelson

Friday 500

Sept. 26, five tables

1st Eloise Williamette, 2nd Betty Fisher, 3rd Patricia Andrews, 4th Beulah Luthe