Letter: Animal cruelty is wrong and must stop
Published 11:10 am Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Dear Editor:
Thanks to Katie Johnson for telling readers about PETA’s undercover investigation at an Iowa farm that breeds pigs destined for Hormel (“PETA sends petition to Hormel,” 9/25).
Both vegetarians and meat-eaters can agree that raping an animal with a cane or metal rod, slamming baby piglets on a concrete floor and leaving them to slowly die over many minutes is wrong and must stop.
There is a culture of cruelty on factory farms and Hormel must immediately enact and rigorously enforce strict animal welfare guidelines for both its own facilities, and for the facilities it supports. It shouldn’t take a PETA investigation to bring this type of behavior to the company’s attention. Readers can learn more and watch the video at www.peta.org.
Dan Paden
Research Associate
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals