Others’ Opinion: President shouldn’t act on immigration without Congress

Published 9:37 am Thursday, November 13, 2014

Executive power not the right way

— The Journal of New Ulm

For months, President Barack Obama and his aides have been suggesting he would take executive action to repair the nation’s broken system of regulating immigration. Then, weeks ago, it was revealed the president would wait until after the midterm elections to do so. Clearly, he was afraid steps unpopular with the public would hurt Democrat candidates’ chances in the election.

Now White House aides are hinting Obama may issue executive directives on immigration before members of Congress elected Tuesday can take office.

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Obama’s intent in that would be clear: to keep Congress, in which both chambers are led by Republicans, from thwarting him.

No one knows precisely what the president has in mind, though there have been suggestions he is considering some sort of blanket amnesty for many immigrants who came to the United States illegally.

Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said Wednesday it would be a mistake for Obama to act before Congress can address immigration issues. McConnell will take office as Senate majority leader next year.

“Mistake” is putting it mildly. McConnell and other conservatives should inform Obama that if he takes objectionable action on immigration this year, Congress will reverse it early in 2015.