History Happy Hour shares the past

Published 10:10 am Friday, January 9, 2015

History Happy Hour returns Monday for residents to get a new look at the old homes and businesses in Austin.

Mower County Historical Society Director John Haymond will present at 6 p.m. at the Hormel Historic Home about the architectural history in Austin, such as some of the oldest buildings or homes, or how much the buildings have changed over the years, as well as a history about some of the people who lived in which homes.

“Bit of architectural history and a bit of local color, I would call it,” Haymond said.



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Topics will include things like which home is actually the oldest in Austin, which house saw paved roads instead of dirt roads first, and which homes had the first cars instead of carriage houses.

This is the first History Happy Hour Haymond has spoken at, but he is excited and hopes residents get to know their town a little better and form a new perspective about their surroundings.

“Hopefully when they drive around town after they’ll see old places in new ways,” he said.

Having started in April 2014, Haymond said he got to experience the town in a historical light while working on this project, learning his way around town at the same time.

“I probably got excited about things that other people didn’t notice or took for granted for years,” he said.

The event brings in different speakers and has a wide net of local topics to keep people’s interest. Haymond said the sessions have been fairly well attended, with a mix of ages.

“I think that the individual subject has a lot to do with who comes out there,” Haymond said.

Haymond said the entire event usually lasts about two hours. Light refreshments and a cash bar will be offered starting at 5:30 p.m.

The event is free to members of the Hormel Historic Home, the Friends of the Library, and the Mower County Historical Society. It costs $5 for non-members. An RSVP is appreciated but not required. Call 507-433-4243 or email holly@hormelhistorichome.org for more information or to RSVP.