Raising money to give back

Published 10:09 am Sunday, October 25, 2015

The Austin Public Education Foundation hopes to raise more money for grants with help from the community.

The annual Dine to Donate event will take place Monday from 4-9 p.m. at Perkins Restaurant and Bakery. The more people that dine the more Perkins will be able to donate toward the cause.

Organizers ask the community to come eat and help the APE Foundation award more money and grants to support educational opportunities throughout the Austin Public School District.

Email newsletter signup

People can also donate to the Foundation in other ways — make a planned gift, set up a memorial, do a plaque dedication on the “Floor on the Wall” at Austin High School, even just by designating the APE Foundation when they shop online with Amazon and use Amazonsmile. Amazon will donate .5 percent of the purchase price to the APE Foundation for grants to support educational opportunities through out the entire school district!! The APE Foundation link on Amazon is: http://smile.amazon.com/ch/41-1676826.

 2015-16 approved grants for the APEF


•Bassoon, Bradley Mariska, $2,665

•BJK Eye Coach tennis device, Troy Diekman, $418.10

•Morality and Ethics course materials, Brian Koser, $300

•“Chill” room supplies, Danielle Salmon, $121.95


•Math books, Mallory Macal, $2,520.00

•Math tools, Mallory Macal, $403.92


•Dramatic play Items, Lindy Hagstrom and Tara Beckman, $1,380


•Robotics VEZ and FLL, David Wolff, $3,200

•Pottery wheel, Jessie Smith, $2,800

•Robotics VEX controller and key, Tom Fritz, $2,759.64

•Social Studies library, Pete Walker, $2,490

•Peer Power books, Amy Schulz and Katie Jordal, $1,500

•Drum set and hardware, Nino Tarara, $1,050

•Language Arts 45 books, Jill Rollie, $449.55

•“Focus on STEM” library, Kate Jordal, $438.90

•Gym locks, Kelly Schwenn, $200

 I.J. Holton

•Engineering Keva Contraption kits, William Kinney, $531.40

•Special Education puppets, Michael Hofbauer, $450

•Classroom calculators, Joni Irvin, $319.96

•English language picture books, Ana Li Zhang, $165.39


•Math, reading and writing materials, Janene Lunning and Maria Mickelson, $883.62


•Math Learning Palettes, Christy Halsey and Sherri Voight, $1,160

•Garden Equipment, Jayme Lamers, $1,000

•2nd Grade Literature, Traci Braaten and Jodi Munson, $1,000

•40 cable jump ropes for Wrestling, Jer Osgood, $318


•Kagan Learning Chips, Amanda Lee, $203


MAAP Leader Kit, Eliza Kelly, $728

Total: $29,456.43