Gifting health

Published 8:28 am Sunday, December 20, 2015

By Courtney Kremer

Hy-Vee Dietitan

Do you have a friend, family member, hostess or favorite person that you want to treat this holiday season? Finding a gift that is personal, thoughtful and healthy may seem to present some challenges, but that is where I, your Hy-Vee dietitian, can help. I’ve put together some ideas of how you can give “Gifts of Health” to assist you in treating those you care about with a gift of health and happiness.

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When giving a gift this year, try the dietitian pick of the month for December, LaCroix sparkling water. LaCroix sparkling water can easily be a part of any beverage-themed gift basket or a great addition to any hostess gift.  LaCroix is a healthier option to include in holiday cocktails and “mocktails” this season because it is a zero-calorie beverage, with no added sugar or artificial ingredients.  This holiday season, try these great “Gifts of Health” ideas from your Hy-Vee dietitian.

LAC 400X400 graphic recipes V1Gifts of Health

Fresh, homemade spiced pecans, chai tea and cinnamon sticks wrapped up in a festive mug topped off with a store tour with your favorite Hy-Vee dietitian. Put a health spin on a classic holiday gift with the addition of a store tour with your Hy-Vee dietitian. I can provide store tours on a variety of health topics including healthy eating, diabetes, heart health or food allergies.

•LaCroix gift basket featuring Berry Faux Cosmo

Include in the gift basket two cans of Berry LaCroix sparkling water, a small bottle of light cranberry juice, a few limes, blueberries, and a set of martini glasses. For added holiday cheer, include mini bottles of vodka. See the recipe above.

•Safe and healthy travels with LaCroix Rudolph Mocktail and Iced Gingersnap Trail Mix

A little travel is often required during the holiday season to visit family and friends. Send safe travel wishes with a gift basket that promotes hydration and happy snacking while on the road. See the recipes below.

•LaCroix Mimosa Mocktail with clementines

The gift of health continues with added vitamin C from clementine’s to add garnish to LaCroix’s Mimosa Mocktail (see recipe below).  Include in a gift basket 4-6 clementines, 1 grapefruit and 2-4 cans of orange LaCroix Sparkling water.  You can even include the champagne glasses to top off the perfect gift for any host.

Pair a “nutrition check-up” with a Hy-Vee dietitian. The gift of a “nutrition check-up” will show someone special that you care about his or her health. Meeting with a Hy-Vee dietitian can aid in improving or maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Berry Faux Cosmo

Serves 1

All you need

•1 oz berry LaCroix sparkling water

•3 oz light cranberry juice

•Squeeze of lime

•Blueberries for garnish

•1½ oz vodka, optional

All you do

1. Shake all ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice. Strain the mixture into a chilled martini glass. Garnish with fresh blueberries. To turn this mocktail into a cocktail, add vodka.


 LaCroix Rudolph Mocktail

Serves 1

All you need

•Juice from ½ lime

•1 oz cranberry juice

•2 oz coconut LaCroix sparkling water

•2 oz lime LaCroix sparkling water

•Ice, for serving

 All you do

1. Combine lime juice, cranberry juice, coconut sparkling water and lime sparkling water with ice.


 Iced Gingersnap Trail Mix

Serves 20 (1/2 cup each)

All you need

•4 cups Angie’s Iced Gingerbread Holidrizzle kettle corn

•1 cup Annie’s gluten-free gingersnap Bunny cookies

•1 cup vanilla yogurt raisins

•1 cup Hy-Vee dried cranberries

All you do

1. In a large bowl, combine kettle corn, Bunny cookies, raisins and cranberries. Portion out ½ cup trail mix per person.


 LaCroix Mimosa Mocktail

Serves 1 (6 oz each)

All you need

•2 oz fresh squeezed orange juice

•1 oz fresh squeezed grapefruit juice

•4 oz orange LaCroix sparkling water

•Orange wedge, for garnish

 All you do

1. Combine orange juice, grapefruit juice and sparkling water and serve in a champagne flute. Serve with orange to garnish.


The information is not intended as medical advice. Please consult medical professional for individual advice.