Registering for the future

Published 10:13 am Friday, February 5, 2016

By Katie Baskin

Austin High School Principal

With the second semester underway and students settled into their new courses, we have started the course registration process for 2016-17 at Austin High School. While it seems quite early to be planning for the next school year, we begin this process now to support students in making informed choices with plenty of time to discuss their decisions with their families and teachers. This is an extremely important process for students at AHS as we are asking them to plan for their future and make decisions about pathways of study they need for graduation, college entrance, and that fit their area of interest. High school is a time of trial and error in preparation for career and college. It is truly a unique opportunity for all students to prepare for the next step in their lives and test their skills in a variety of areas that will help them make decisions about their next course of study or trade.



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The process for course registration at Austin High School is lengthy, detailed, and allows students multiple opportunities to ensure their selections are supporting their future goals. The course registration process started in January with math, science, social studies and language arts teachers making recommendations and conferencing with their students about their course of study for the 2016-17 school year. During the week of Jan. 25 through 29, students were given the opportunity to learn about all elective course pathways at AHS. They received information from staff and also had opportunities to ask specific questions to Faculty Department Chairpersons. During the two weeks of Feb. 1 through 12, students will finalize their course registration within their Connect classrooms. Students will be receiving information on the requirements for the next grade level and making their course selections accordingly. Connect teachers will be meeting with each of their students to support them through this process and to make sure the information is accurately entered into Infinite Campus. Parents/guardians and students will have access to the Infinite Campus Portal through Feb. 1 through 19 to make changes to elective courses, but must seek out a grade level counselor to make a change with a recommended course. Finally, families will have an opportunity to review the courses their student has registered for at spring conferences on March 10 from 4 to 8 p.m. in Hastings Gym.

While we understand there are a number of components to the course registration process, we are excited for students to take this next step in their preparation to be college and career ready. Please contact the AHS Counseling Office at 507-460-1812 with any questions.