Dayton pans legislators for adjourning without bonding bill

Published 10:27 am Monday, May 23, 2016

ST. PAUL — Gov. Mark Dayton is calling it a tragedy that state lawmakers have adjourned without approving a package of public works and transportation projects.

Legislators haggled through the weekend over the biggest pieces of their session before adjourning early Monday with no deal. Dayton said in an interview on WCCO-AM that that leaves $1 billion in good projects throughout the state in limbo.

Dayton had qualified praise for a $260 million tax package. The governor said he liked its tax cuts for working families and forgiveness for student loans. But he said $40 million in tax cuts for cigarette makers is “unfathomable.”

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He says he’ll make veto decisions in the next 48 hours.

Some lawmakers are already talking about a special session to revisit unfinished business.