Join the senior center for Halloween fun

Published 7:01 am Sunday, October 30, 2016

Join us for the Halloween Costume Dinner, starting at noon on Monday.

Costumes are optional but there will be a prize for the best costume. We will have a fun meal and photo opportunities. Cost is $6.50.

We will start the meal with spider salad then on to the main course of bloody meat loaf feet, brain and decaying fingers and finish the meal with worms and a bloody eyeball. Hope to see you there.

Email newsletter signup

 Life Long Learning

At 2 p.m. on Tuesday is our next Life Long Learning class.

This class focuses on deep thinking. We all think, but not all of us think deeply, which is thinking beyond what your mind defaults to.

Deep thinking is how we increase our number of valuable and useful thoughts. Your quantity of valuable thoughts has a direct effect on your quantity of valuable actions. And great lives are made by taking valuable action.

During each session you will explore areas of deep thinking and discuss the topics.

Attending you will dig deep into:

•The news


•Your strengths

•The World

•Ted talks and


If this sounds like you or you have always enjoyed a good discussion please join us.

There will be a free will donation.

Please sign up by stopping by the Mower County Senior Center front desk or by calling 507-433-2370. We hope to see you there.

We look forward to seeing you at our many programs at the senior center. Don’t forget our coffee shop where every day you can have homemade soup for $1 and a sandwich for 50 cents. On Tuesday we will be serving scalloped potatoes and ham for only $2. You are always welcome at the center.

Upcoming Events

Monday: Bone Builders, 9 a.m.; Blood pressure checks, 9 a.m.; Walking Club, 9 a.m.; Halloween Party, noon; Cards (Pinochle, Duplicate Bridge), 12:30 p.m.;

Exercise w/Evie’s Friends, 1 p.m.

Tuesday: Silver Sneakers, 8:15 a.m.; Exercise w/Evies Friends, 9 a.m.; Scalloped potatoes and ham 11:30 a.m.; Cards (Pinochle, Duplicate Bridge, 500), 12:30 p.m.; Life Long Learners, 2 p.m.; Zumba, 5:45 p.m.

Wednesday: Wood Carvers, 8:30 a.m.; Tai Chi,  9 a.m.; Walking Club, 9 a.m.; Weight Watchers, 12:15 p.m.; Cards (Duplicate Bridge, Pinochle, Cribbage), 12:30 p.m.; Stitching Bees, 1 p.m.; Open chess, 1 p.m.; AMP Class, 2 p.m.; Weight Watchers, 5:30 p.m.

Thursday: Silver Sneakers 8:15 a.m.; Exercise w/Evies Friends, 9 a.m.; Cards (Pinochle), 12:30 p.m.; Bingo and open chess, 1 p.m.; Zumba, 5:45 p.m

Friday: Bone Builders, 9 a.m.; Cards (500, Duplicate Bridge, Pinochle, Cribbage), 12:30 p.m.; Ping Pong, 3 p.m.

Weekly Card Results

Monday Bridge

Oct.17, two tables

1st Lois Johnson, 2nd Carolyn Higgins, 3rd Dave Solomonson, 4th Mary Johnsen, 5th Ann Dvorak

Tuesday Duplicate Bridge

Oct. 18, seven tables

1st Gene Muchow, 1st Ron Peters; 2nd Lorraine Quinlivan, 2nd Barb Rofsus; 3rd Rick Stroup,  3rd John Leisen; 4th Millie Seiver, 4th Joyce Crowe; 4th Vandy Newman, 4th Bud Higgins; 6th Lorraine Lippert, 6th Russ Vaale

Tuesday 500

Oct. 18, three tables

1st Wayne Chilson, 2nd Mary Freitag, 3rd Gene Rauen, 4th Carol Erenson

Friday Bridge

Oct. 21, two tables

1st John Karnes, 2nd Mary Johnsen, 3rd Dave Solomonson, 4th Lois Johnson

Wednesday Duplicate Bridge

No Results


John Karnes

Wednesday Cribbage

Oct. 19, 1.5 tables

1st Barb Dickman, 2nd Russ Vaale, 3rd Mercedes Nordstrom

Friday 500

Oct. 20, 2.5 tables

1st Carol Hamilton, 2nd Wayne Chilson, 3rd Russ Vaale