Letter: Ensuring the health of health care reform

Published 8:14 am Thursday, March 9, 2017

Congress is poised to overhaul the Affordable Care Act (also known as Obamacare). Although it’s not yet clear what will happen, it is safe to say that how many Minnesotans access insurance coverage and how health care is delivered in Minnesota — and right here in Austin — could change dramatically in the coming months and years.

As a physician and member of the state’s largest advocacy group for doctors, the Minnesota Medical Association, I have a vested interest in these changes. But, then, so does every patient in Minnesota!

The MMA and I strongly encourage patients to reach out to their state and federal elected officials to remind them that, first and foremost, health care is about the physician-patient relationship.

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It’s also about ensuring every Minnesotan has access to coverage. Changes to the ACA must strive to improve affordability and should not result in patients experiencing greater financial barriers to care and coverage. Health care reform needs to continue supporting innovation, and experimentation in care delivery and payment is essential. In addition, health equity needs to become a top priority in health care reform efforts.

The patients of Minnesota deserve strong advocates for their health. Your physician is among this group. Let’s make sure your elected officials are as well.

Dr. David Agerter,

Minnesota Medical Association President