Express yourself in Austin Living lit mag
Published 12:50 pm Monday, April 10, 2017
Austin Living is seeking local literary and art submissions to print in the July-August issue in the third year of the literary magazine section called Austin Expression.
We will accept submissions from artists/writers who live or work in Austin/Mower County and the surrounding area, along with people who have a direct tie to Austin (Austin natives/AHS grads now living out of state will be accepted).
Artists will not be paid for publication.
How to submit
Please include name and contact information (phone number and email) with submissions.
Submissions deadline: May 12
Send submissions to with “Austin Expression” in the subject line. Please include a short bio that includes ties to Austin/Mower County.
What we’re accepting: We’re accepting essentially anything that can be printed or represented in a magazine format. If you’re not sure, submit anyway.
What to submit
Visual pieces — Must be submitted as print-ready .jpgs
•Illustrations, photos, paintings, etc.
•We’ll also accept submissions of images of mixed media, sculptures, clay and other such pieces pieces.
•Graphic novel (1-2 page previews/snippets)
•Please submit largest possible file sizes, even if that means sending photos in multiple emails.
Text — Must be submitted electronically.
Either in an email or .doc
•Poetry/song lyrics
•Short fiction/nonfiction (up to 1,500 words)
•We’d also take selected pieces from a larger book or work as long as they fit the guidelines (up to 1,500 words)