Mower Refreshed: Mid-year is a perfect time to recalibrate

Published 7:40 am Wednesday, June 14, 2017

By Sandy Anderson

Mower Refreshed coordinator

At the beginning of every year, it’s common to hear people consider what they want to restart, redo, recover, reconsider in relation to their well-being, personal or professional.

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Organizations or teams within an organization that want to remain relevant are wise to pause long enough to reflect on what has been accomplished (hopefully celebrate with their team)  and possibly reevaluate what next steps need to be based on the past year.

Mower Refreshed is continually reassessing initiatives we pilot or efforts we are partnering with community groups to foster environments that reflect wellness. This means we adapt, change, keep fluid with how we do things and what we do…but the why remains the same: a drive to create a culture in the Mower County area that focuses on “health, not healthcare,” Dr. David Agerter.

We are moving toward mid-year and it’s a perfect time to recalibrate, make sure we are not about being busy, but focused on being purposeful with the time, energy, and wisdom of those many volunteers who connect regularly to experiment and engage. We’re seeking intentionally to build capacity in the communities Mayo Clinic Health System Albert Lea and Austin serves, not just talk at and expect behavior changes but engage, equip, and empower folks to experience what living well can look and feel like.

Intrigued to consider how you might join the grass roots work  our teams are engaged in?  Connect at or call us at 507.434.1039 to see how you might be re-energize  your community with us!

Think about how those two little letters, “re” might change the rest of your 2017!

Wellness Wednesday tip

“Family, like branches in a tree, we all grow in different directions, yet our roots remain as one.” – Unknown

Keep your relationships strong and take the time to remind a loved one how special they are to you!

Refreshed recipe:  Want a fun and easy way to cook veggies on the grill? These kabobs are sure to be a new family favorite!