Letter: Questions linger about Hayfield referendum

Published 7:29 am Thursday, September 7, 2017

Before the Hayfield district votes on a bond referendum, some serious questions still deserve answers:

• The first of two questions on the ballot addresses Infrastructure Repair and Learning Environment Improvements, the second addresses Safety and Security, and Enhanced Activities Areas. Why is our children’s safety and security being placed second?

• Why is there the “need” to expand the high school cafeteria? In 2002, the enrollment was just over 450, and space was not an issue. Last year it was under 330., but we’re to believe that now it’s too small?

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• If $14.5 million was needed for all three buildings two years ago, why is the proposed bond to the taxpayers still the same amount despite Brownsdale being closed? Where is the $2.6 million earmarked for Brownsdale then now being spent? Furthermore, if $14.5 million is in fact the amount that is needed, what is the other $10 million (non-taxpayer approved, but taxpayer funded) in QZAB bonds being spent on?

• Enrollment has decreased 13 percent over the last five years, how does this support the enrollment stabilization claim by the superintendent?

• What changes have been made to rein in negligent spending? The previous superintendent was being paid nearly the same salary to Triton (Public Schools)’s with the same amount of experience despite having a district enrollment of almost 40 percent less.

The taxpayers deserve more answers, better prioritization, and smarter spending before passing a bond.

— Matt Moritz, Austin