‘Off the Track’ streaming into Pacelli Auditorium
Published 8:43 am Saturday, November 11, 2017
By Tim Brennan
Pacelli drama advisor
On Nov. 16-18, Pacelli High School drama will present a rollicking two-act comedy “Off the Track” in Pacelli Auditorium.
All shows have a curtain time of 7 p.m. There will be one intermission. Tickets for this entertaining evening of laughs are $5 for adults, $3 for students and $20 for a family.
The play, (circa pre-1950) written by Felicia Metcalfe, concerns a group of odd characters who are stranded at an isolated railroad station where no passenger train has stopped in 20 years. The group includes three college girls, a young male law student, an Italian mom and her children, a haughty banker’s wife and her daughter, a peculiar deaf man with a mysterious suitcase which he never lets out of his sight, a recently engaged couple on their way to visit her parents, and, of course, sweet Miss Pidgie McDougal. But enough said about Miss Pidgie.
Needless to say, station manager Mr. Morgan and employee Silas Dobbin have their hands full with this motley group and the ensuing pandemonium that occurs concerning a lack of food, expensive and stolen pearls, a mock courtroom trial with a mock judge, a mock jury, and two mock lawyers. There certainly will be no shortage of mocks during each performance.
Pacelli actors include Patrick Murphy, Mason Holtorf, Abigail Bollingberg, Maddie Rysavy, Grace Einck, Daisy Hernandez, Lyndsey McMahon, Shelby Jenkins, Jayden Lewis, Myra Kraemer, Edward Dryer, Kayla Christorferson, Rachel Nelsen, and Caitlin Drees. The play is directed by Tim Brennan.
Pacelli Drama welcomes you in advance to come and enjoy an evening of fine theater. Dramatics continues to be a big part of our extra-curricular offering through a fall and spring production and an entry in Minnesota State High School League’s winter one act play competition. Our stage is comfortable and offers great acoustics and sight lines.
Come and join us. Bring a friend. Bring grandparents. Bring your laughter. Oh, and keep an eye on the suitcase in “Off the Track.” You might be surprised by what might be in there.
If you are interested in learning more about Pacelli Catholic Schools visit our website at www.pacellischools.org, email admin@pacellischools.org or call 507-437-3278.