MnDOT: FIGG-designed bridges in the state are in good condition
Published 8:20 am Wednesday, March 21, 2018
By Mark Steil
MPR News/90.1 FM
The Minnesota Department of Transportation said Monday the bridges in the state designed by FIGG Bridge Group are in good condition.
The company designed a Florida pedestrian bridge that collapsed March 15, killing six people. FIGG-designed bridges at four locations in Minnesota are scrutinized frequently.
“We do not have any concerns with what is shown in those inspection reports,” said MnDOT state bridge engineer Kevin Western. “We inspect them regularly and we’ve been very diligent in our design of those as well.”
FIGG bridges are located in Minneapolis, St. Paul, and at two locations in southeast Minnesota. One of the FIGG structures is the Interstate 35W bridge in Minneapolis which replaced one that collapsed more than a decade ago.
Western said all bridges in the state are inspected at least every two years, though problem structures may be looked at more often.
Pedestrian-only bridges in the state are also inspected regularly. MnDOT says there are more than 700 of those structures in the state.
“It would be the same sort of inspection we have on our other roadway bridges,” said Western.
Right now no changes are planned in Minnesota’s bridge inspection program because of the Florida tragedy.