Letter: Vote for Felten’s experience

Published 8:17 am Friday, November 2, 2018

When I think about what type of person should that be in the role of Auditor/Treasurer for Mower County, I immediately envision someone with a wealth of prior accounting experience (especially a CPA), prior personnel management experience, involvement in the community and, most importantly, someone that understands the inner workings of an office structure that this position presents. I personally think of Scott Felten and what a great fit he is for this position. Scott brings a detailed approach with the experience to back it up. I know Scott in a professional capacity, but also as a friend and neighbor. In an election year that has been polluted with such negative ads and comments in all of the other races, you have a candidate like Scott you can rely on. Vote for Scott if you are so inclined, I can guarantee he will genuinely appreciate it!


Taggert Medgaarden

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Austin, MN