Hayfield girls top Fillmore Central

Published 10:30 pm Tuesday, December 18, 2018

The Hayfield girls basketball team beat Fillmore Central (4-4 overall) by a score of 69-48 on the road Tuesday.

Elecia Brown scored 25 points to pace the Vikings (3-5 overall).

“It was nice to get a win. We played a little a better on offense,” Hayfield co-head Kasey Krekling said.

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Hayfield 45  24    69

FC 26  22    48

Hayfield scoring: Elecia Brown, 25; Abby Stasko, 17; Payton Slaathaug, 12; Emma Holst, 10; Rachel Pack, 2; Lila Gronseth, 2; Lillie O’Connor, 1; free throws: 22-for-35