MnDOT encourages schools, communities to participate in Walk and Bike to School Day

Published 6:27 am Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Supporting pedestrian and bicycle safety

More than 200 Minnesota schools and thousands of students will participate in International Walk and Bike to School Day Wednesday, Oct. 2.

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The annual event, sponsored by Minnesota Safe Routes to School, encourages students and parents to increase their physical activity, practice pedestrian and bicycle safety, reduce traffic congestion and strengthen connections between families, schools and communities.

“Walking and bicycling safely is a critical life skill and Walk to School Day encourages students to use this knowledge throughout their lives,” said Dave Cowan, MnDOT Safe Routes to School coordinator. “Students and families can use their Walk to School Day event as an opportunity to get some fresh air while reaping the benefits of increased physical activity, reduced traffic congestion and arriving at school ready to learn.”

Cowan said school leaders can register their Walk and Bike to School Day event; those who do will receive educational materials to support their event.

Participants can also join in Minnesota’s Walk to School Day photo contest by submitting photos on the MnSRTS Facebook page with the hashtag #mnwalks.

The event is an opportunity for families with children who typically ride a school bus or ride in a private vehicle to take part through a “bus stop and walk” event.

Minnesota Safe Routes to School provides resources and grants to advance SRTS programs through planning, projects and support. Visit the program’s website for more details and contact information.