DFL, MN GOP approves emergency measures to protect against coronavirus
Published 7:01 am Saturday, March 14, 2020
The Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party’s Executive Committee met Thursday and approved a slate of emergency measures designed to combat the spread of COVID-19. These measures include:
•All conventions scheduled from March 14 – May 1 are postponed. The Minnesota DFL is working on scheduling virtual conventions starting in April.
•Will limit the business of all conventions, from OU to state, to only essential items: election of delegates and alternates, election of CD/state pre-convention standing committee members, conferring endorsements, and voting on resolutions.
•Will prohibit any official DFL sponsored event, at all levels in the party, where more than 25 people would gather in person from occurring from March 14 – May 1. This includes fundraisers, party meetings, social events, unit central committees, conventions, etc.
•Will shift all campaign organizing efforts, including direct voter contact, from in-person work to virtual work, and we encourage campaigns to do the same.
•The Minnesota DFL Headquarters will not be available for DFL or public meetings.
•The Minnesota DFL Headquarters will be closed to the public. Only credentialed personnel, party leaders, and elected officials will be permitted to access the building.
“The Minnesota DFL is committed to doing everything we can to halt the spread of COVID-19 and protect the health and well-being of all Minnesotans,” said Ken Martin, vhairman of the Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party. “The Minnesota DFL’s State Executive Committee approved significant changes to our convention schedule which will allow us to conduct essential party business while dramatically lowering the risk of coronavirus transmission.
The Minnesota GOP made the same move, though not for as long a stretch. Their suspension will go only through April 15.
“It is the Republican Party of Minnesota’s responsibility to put the health and safety of Minnesotans, our grassroots activists, candidates, and elected officials first,” said Republican Party of Minnesota Chairwoman, Jennifer Carnahan. “After conversations with our national and state-level partners, our executive board made the decision (Thursday) to postpone our Republican Party of Minnesota BPOU (local party unit) and Congressional District conventions through April 15, 2020.”
“This decision did not come lightly, but it was important for our party to ensure we are looking out for the health, safety and well-being of Minnesotans first,” she added.