Meadow Greens Ramsey Ladies Golf Club is looking for new players

Published 2:22 pm Monday, April 24, 2023

Getting your Trinity Audio player ready...

The Meadow Greens Ramsey Ladies Golf Club is getting ready to start the season and is looking for some new members for its season, which begins May 4.

The fee is $30, plus course membership or green fees. The club meets weekly on Wednesdays, May through August, but golfers are not committed to play every week.

Members simply sign up when they are able to play. There are “play of the day” games to make the golfing fun, and handicaps are required to help level out the scoring and keep it competitive for everyone.

Email newsletter signup

Anyone interested in joining the Club is encouraged to call for more information. Club President Patty Shatek can be reached at 507-440-6336, or Golf Committee Member Karen Baier at 507-438-4187.