Sarah Lysne: The joy of never giving up part IV

Published 5:46 pm Friday, May 5, 2023

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One day, after I arrived at the advertising office, my co-worker, Jack, asked if he could talk to me. 

Jack was in his 70s and he knew a lot about the advertising business. Jack was also kind, so I knew whatever he wanted to talk to me about would be positive.

Jack said he knew I was making a lot of sales calls,but he wanted to share what he had learned about closing the sale.  

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I will admit that as a 23-year-old fresh out of college, I thought I knew everything about closing a sale, but I was wrong.

Jack talked to me about doing my homework.  

He suggested that I choose a couple potential clients and find out the following:  What is their advertising budget? Who are their customers? What kind of advertising are they currently using?

Jack also suggested that I present some ideas of what the billboard might look like.

Jack’s advice helped a lot.  The highlight of my time with the company was the day I closed on three sales in one afternoon.

It’s surprising how many times I have thought of Jack’s helpful advice, especially when faced with a challenge.

Jack was right, it always helps to do your homework and have a plan.