Thumbs up, thumbs down

Published 5:18 pm Friday, September 20, 2024

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Thumbs up to young voters. A recent Minnesota Public Radio story reported that Minnesota is sixth in the nation in terms of young voter potential to affect an election as noted by a non-partisan organization. This is good news because it shows that the younger generation is willing to be involved in issues that very much effect them and are of interest to them. We hope this trend continues after this latest election.

Thumbs up for the public forum. For another year, thank you to the American Association of University Women for organizing its series of political forums this week. We would argue it’s especially important at this local level to hear directly from the candidates, because the decisions they make, if elected, have a direct impact on their neighbors. It’s an important step in an important process.

Thumbs up to new bloom. Sometimes you just have to give a shout out to something neat and in this case, it’s a new variety of Dahlia grown by Tanner and Caitlyn Conway. This new variation of purple variegated variety of Dahlia was officially recognized by the Royal Horticultural Society, which is something to really celebrate. Truly home grown.

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Thumbs up to new approach to bridging differences. Congratulations to everyone that took part in Monday night’s Sketches of Minnesota Austin, a night of improv comedy that looks at bridging differences in a relaxed, positive atmosphere. Sketches used the knowledge of Austin itself to allow others to view their hometown in a mirror without the anxiety and stresses that shadow the rest of everyday life. We all feel better when laughter is involved.