Council moves closer to hiring new city administrator

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, March 18, 2003

Matt Merritt/Austin Daily Herald

The Austin City Council approved the employment of Jim Hurm as new city administrator Monday at the council meeting at city hall.

However, the approval of a letter of agreement was tabled so the council could discuss the contractual terms as a group at tonight's work session.

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"I think we have a very good person coming," said 3rd Ward Council Member Tracey Chamberlain. "Hopefully it will be a little time and he'll be up and running."

The resolution was adopted to reinforce to Hurm that the position was, in fact, his.

"I think it's probably important from a timing point of view that … he knows he has been selected," said City Attorney David Hoversten.

Hurm, who was chosen Saturday from among five finalists, is working in Sioux City, Iowa as executive director of the Siouxland Interstate Metropolitan Planning Council. He is set to replace current City Administrator Pat McGarvey, who will retire at the end of April.

Another matter concerning city personnel was passed at the meeting as well. The council approved a motion authorizing the hiring of a senior accountant to assist Director of Administrative Services Tom Dankert. The senior accountant would assist with preparing for the year-end audit.

Dankert mentioned the possibility of hiring someone part time for the position.

"There might be some candidates out there that only want to work part time, and we could shift some of the responsibilities on to other people," he said.

The position has been open since January, when Joy Skelton resigned. The city had waited to fill the position to see if the duties could be split between Dankert and other employees, but it proved to be too difficult.

The council decided to advertise for a full-time or part-time employee.

In other business, the council tabled a motion for the application of Doug Smithart for a Taxi Operator License. Police Chief Paul Philipp recommended the application be denied because of a felony conviction within the last five years. The council decided to wait until they had heard from his probation officer.

A resolution authorizing the transfer of $285,000 from the general fund to the health insurance fund was passed. This balances the health insurance fund for the first time since 1999.

The council approved a motion for a street dance on June 27-28. Because police officers would be working overtime to cover the event, Council Member At-Large Wayne Goodnature said in the future the city should consider conserving the police department's budget.

"It isn't right for us to be asking Chief Philipp to cut his budget and then put on stuff like this," Goodnature said.

Matt Merritt can be reached at 434-2214 or by email at