Remember the good old days
Published 10:46 am Friday, June 24, 2011
Letter to the Editor
Dale Chidester, Austin
Our parents and a whole multitude of generations and immigrants built the greatest, most powerful nation in history. It’s humbling to live here and also a great responsibility. This republic, this grand experiment in democracy, was founded on the principle of the “greater good of all” and formed from many debates and compromises.
Our founders formed a divided government so no single person or group could control government without “consent of the people.” We elect representatives on their ideas of how government should operate. They’re elected to represent their constituents but also to understand the “greater good for all.”
The art of compromise (government) is what a government of, by, and for the people is about. This nation, built of revolutionary ideas, survived countless travesties and tragedies, including a civil war. And we’ll continue to be that great nation and state as long as we compromise – not on our principles – but on the realities.
We endured eight years of “no new taxes” and “tax cuts for the rich.” To those who say we cannot afford big government, I say, “bull!” We are a big country, not some third-class, impoverished nation in the Sahara Desert. When faced with impossible tasks, we have always rolled up our sleeves and got done what needed to be done. To those who say taxing the rich means less jobs — I say take your money and jobs, go to China where you can save money and live better. Oops, you already moved the jobs.