Hormel lends a hand for Thanksgiving hunger walk

Published 12:00 am Monday, November 25, 2002

For $25, 100 people in need can receive a meal.

Those who participate in the Hormel Hunger Walk will be able to do just that. The walk, held Thanksgiving morning at the Mall of America, raises money for food banks that help Minnesotans in need.

This is the first year Hormel decided to be the main corporate sponsor of the event. Julie Craven, director of corporate communications at Hormel, said participating in the walk fits with the company's goals.

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"It's a cause we believe in," Craven said.

Craven said some Hormel employees are participating. She said people like to go that morning to help a good cause and then continue their family celebrations later in the day.

"Increasingly people are looking for ways to give back," Craven said.

The money collected Thursday will go to six America's Second Harvest food banks in Minnesota. Hormel has worked with America's Second Harvest in its annual Hormel Hams for Hunger program for 13 years.

Food shelves in the Mower County are served by Second Harvest food bank Channel One. The Salvation Army, Keys to Life, Mower Senior Center and the LeRoy Food Shelf all receive assistance.

Channel One Food Bank, part of Second Harvest, has served nine nonprofit charities in the county with 111,000 pounds of food and helped to feed about 575 people each month this past year, said Carla Johnson, executive director of Channel One.

"We've certainly seen an increase in people using the food shelf program," Johnson said.

Some food shelves have seen demand increase anywhere from 8 to 30 percent, she said.

Because of the economy, however, people tend to be donating less often, said Todd Andrews, of Hormel's communication department.

The walk, now in its sixth year at the Mall, begins 7 a.m. Thursday and last until 10 a.m. Last year about 1,200 people participated in the walk and organizers expect higher attendance this year, said Jessica Saleem, development associated for Hunger Solutions Minnesota, another sponsor of the walk.

Those who would like to participate can register online, complete register cards before the event or sign up at the Mall that day. There is a $25 minimum pledge to participate. For more information or to register online visit www.hormelhungerwalk.kintera.org.

Depending on how the walk goes Thursday, Craven said Hormel is likely to participate again next year.

Cari Quam can be reached at 434-2235 or by e-mail at cari.quam@austindailyherald.com