Full Circle: Early refrigerators came with plenty of work

Your refrigerator! What a reliable, even friendly helpmate it is. But this was not always so. Do you ...


Stories, data reflect need; United Way sets $1.2M campaign goal

United Way of Mower County recently announced that our 2015 Campaign goal is set at $1.2 million — ...


Our Opinion: Get involved, if you want a voice

Who are these people who come out of the woodwork and pretend to have any weight when it ...

Al Batt

Al Batt: Memories of ‘The Uncle Rob Show’

Echoes from the Loafers’ Club Meeting: I walked into a room three times and I still couldn’t remember ...


Monday’s with the Mortician: Funeral homes serve all faiths

Eric Weerts  Monday’s with the Mortician Throughout my career as a funeral director I have worked in Ohio, ...


Cars a big part of the Hormels

Antique cars that belonged to Hormel family members have been on my mind recently due to photos, newspaper ...

Best Bets

Best Bets: Getting autumn started with a bang

Get ready for a weekend of fun with golf, the Jay C. Hormel Nature Center and creamed chicken ...


Flu shots worthwhile, easy

OK, flu shot naysayers, you have your ammunition. Get it over with. Yes, you know lots of people who ...

Al Batt

Al Batt: Predators could be keeping birds from the feeders

Echoes from the Loafers’ Club Meeting: I’ve been eating an all-vegetarian diet. How is that working for you? ...


Laura Helle: Closing a chapter with many ‘thank yous’

As my chapter at Vision 2020 closes, I owe thanks to some of you. Thank you to the ...


Full Circle: The sole of Main St. – Hastings holds a century-old Austin legacy

In the past 106 years, neither Austin churches, nor traveling ministries nor tent revivals have saved more soles ...


Nonprofits key in energy efficiency efforts

This month, I will have the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to hear directly from Pope Francis when he addresses Congress ...

Al Batt

Al Batt: Snowy crickets’ chirps can tell the temperature

Echoes From the Loafers’ Club Meeting: Do you want to go to a Twins game? When? I don’t ...


Travelers take advantage of autumn’s scenic beauty

The fall will soon be upon us and we want to take advantage of  one of the most ...

Best Bets

Best Bets: A weekend to remember the brave

With the 14th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks, this is a weekend to gather together and remember ...

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