Al Batt

Bird in hand is best way to eat chicken

Echoes from the Loafers’ Club Meeting: “I lost all my money in one of those Ponzi schemes.” “Cheer ...

Crime, Courts & Emergencies

Poll: Did jurors get it right in the Zimmerman trial?

Based on Florida laws, did the jury reach the correct verdict in the George Zimmerman trial?


The lessons of a family camping trip

A few years ago my daughters Destiny and Trinity and I went camping with a group from my ...


Poll: What are your favorite summer movies?

Which movies are the best of the blockbuster season so far? (Choose up to three)

Election Flipper

Letter: Mall owners thank Austin after challenges

We are writing to thank the Austin community for your continued support of the Oak Park Mall. We ...


Extra enforcement out in July

QUESTION: Am I right that there are extra patrol cars on the roads during July? RESPONSE: You are right. ...


Budget is a commitment to educational excellence

Minnesota is known as a state that boasts a large, well-educated workforce. Over the years, our workers have ...


Editorial: County rushed into wheelage tax

When Mower County commissioners and a long list of others opened an e-mail last Friday with the June ...


Congrats to Austin-born O’Brien

It is with great pleasure that we salute author Tim O’Brien, who was born in Austin in 1946, ...


BBQ nabs first in flavor

The Piggy Blues Jackass sauce made its creators proud on June 16 when judges at the Treasure Island ...

Al Batt

What do umps do with their seeing eye dogs?

Echoes from the Loafers’ Club Meeting: “I go to a yoga class each week.” “What day?” “Some weeks ...


Poll: Is NSA data collecting necessary, or did the government overstep?

It was revealed last week that the National Security Agency has been collecting data about US citizens. Do ...

Al Batt

Tolkien read is Hobbit-forming

Echoes from the Loafers’ Club Meeting: “I bought a book on feng shui.” “Are you making use of ...


Best Bets: Back to the streets

It’s official: People have taken to the streets. Whether advocating, partying or searching for treasures, they’ll be out ...


The myths of property tax relief

By Phil Krinkie Former GOP state representative Every year state legislators wish they could do something to stop ...

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