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Anniversary: Robert and Joan Schwab

Robert and Joan Schwab will celebrate their 60th anniversary with an open house at 2-4 p.m. Sunday, at ...

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Ready the reed: Local oboist plays with heart — and spine, and back

It might sound odd to most of us who don’t know much about musical instruments, this business of ...

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Supporting small business

As mentioned last week, Austin’s early 1900s downtown retailers embraced the growing commercial nature of the Christmas season. ...

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Explore your options with milk by the glass

Walk down a grocery aisle today and you will find a lot of competition for cow’s milk.  Whether ...

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Looking forward to a new year of entertainment

Austin Area Arts has a gift for you to open: a preview of arts programming coming to Austin ...

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Christmas time one frame at a time

Over the past couple of seasons, as we come up on Christmas, I’ve developed a loose tradition of ...

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Society News: Y’s Women’s Club & Duplicate Bridge

The Y’s Women’s Club held a Christmas party on Dec. 13 at the Hormel Historic Home.

Guest Columns

Pastor Dan Melke: The man who existed before he was born

During this Christmas season, the thought hit me, “I wonder what Jesus was doing before he was born?” ...

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Be the light

I am sitting at my laptop with a banana and oyster crackers staring at me from the counter. ...

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Frosty Beauty: The splender of winter in pictures

Every year, I like to take a walk through the Jay C. Hormel Nature Center on a recruitment ...

Birth Announcements

Birth: Torryn Bednar

Zoe and Michael Bednar, of Albert Lea, Minnesota, announce the birth of their daughter Torryn Bednar on Nov. ...

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Embracing the commercial

The impetus for our recent History Happy Hour Program was the above ad from the Mower County Transcript, ...

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Trust me when I say he had this coming

By now, those of you who count yourselves as loyal readers are probably familiar with our two fur ...

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Improving our area arts

In 2018, we took on a new name: Austin Area Arts. Each word tells you who we are ...

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Class is in session: Avocados 101

Avocados are a must-have pick-up in the produce department because of their versatility and variety of powerful nutrients. ...

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