Al Batt

A lunch hour of guessing

Pat Staloch of Hartland has attended and worked at many schools during his lifetime. He says that some ...

Al Batt

Bald-headed jay not unusual

I have two wonderful neighbors—both named Bruce—who live across the road from each other. Whenever I pass their ...

Al Batt

A hungry cat would eat onions

The “check engine” light is glowing on the dashboard of my car. A mechanic told me that as ...

Al Batt

Three-legged dog does the trick

The man from Vermont told me that he was 13 years old when his only sibling was born. ...

Al Batt

Fast food and reality TV

I have two wonderful neighbors--both named Bruce — who live across the road from each other. Whenever I ...

Al Batt

Dialing days are in the past

Bob Hargis of Riverton, Wyoming said that his favorite T-shirt reads, “Ambiguity: What Happens In Vagueness, Stays In ...

Al Batt

Smiles stronger than rage

A Japanese proverb says, “He who smiles rather than rages is always the stronger.”

Al Batt

A smile can go along way

Mother Teresa said, “We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do.”

Al Batt

Shopping for old complaints

I was waiting in line in a grocery store. It was the express lane at its busiest. I ...

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