
Prepare to be gobsmacked

Austin, in the year 1945, had a population of roughly 19,000 people. Would you believe it also had ...


Full Circle: You love Josephine Cochran but don’t know why

Privileged women the world over should fall to their knees in obeisance to the obscure Josephine Cochran for ...


The window of hope closes

When Nancy Hanks, Abe Lincoln’s beloved mother died, any meager hope within him also died. There was simply ...


Peggy Keener: My angel mother

“All that I am or ever hope to be I owe to my angel mother.”  These are the ...


Abe … Re-dacted, Re-facted and Re-enacted

Most folks would agree that much of who we are as adults was shaped in us when we ...


Peggy Keener: The Joylessness of Cooking

In 1930, Irma Rombauer, a St. Louis socialite, found herself an instant widow when her despondent husband committed ...


Perspicacious intact tact

Diplomacy is the word, the act, the very key to all of us getting along together.  Still, diplomacy ...


Who needs water?

(Note: if you live in Miami, Mozambique or Madagascar, ignore this.  But, if you live in Fargo, Faribault ...


Sow now, weep … er … reap later

Once again an e-mail has brought me a life lesson which I’d like to share with you. The ...


Full Circle: Remembering the treasured gourmands

Growing up in Austin in the 1940-50s would probably not have been described as a gastronomically exotic experience. ...


Full Circle: The signs of the times

It started in 1927, a simpler time when America began its romance with both the automobile and its ...


Full Circle: A husband proves his mettle

I’ve been married for 60 years. On our second date, Glen and I decided we’d found our matches. ...


Full Circle: Words, words … but, what do they say?

It’s 3 a.m.  I should be asleep. Instead, I’m lying in bed thinking; not deep thoughts about life ...


A new twist on some old lessons

There is an e-mail making the rounds which never fails to make me chuckle.  Additionally it forces me ...

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Practical Peggy plans the perfect party

In a restless ongoing pursuit of the perfect party, I am planning my holiday soiree. Preparations require deep ...

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