
Thumbs up, Thumbs down: Trout stocking brings opportunity

Thumbs up for more trout. For the fifth year, Wolf Creek in Austin’s Todd Park has been stocked ...


Other’s Opinion: Make a bigger push to improve grad rates

Minneapolis Star-Tribune March 29 Minnesota’s high schools need to keep working on attendance issues, struggling students. The slight ...


Our Opinion: Are you prepared for severe weather?

Whether it’s tornadoes, flooding, lightning, extreme heat or anything in-between, Minnesota is no stranger to severe weather. To ...


Our Opinion: Keep up with spring cleaning of property

We are now officially in spring and the weather is such that many of us will begin looking ...


Our opinion: Set aside distractions while driving

Things can change in an instant. And when you’re on the road, that could mean the difference between ...


Thumbs up, Thumbs down

Thumbs up for Austin Online Academy. In February the Austin Online Academy received national recognition during the 2024 ...


Our Opinion: Final TV listings to print in Saturday edition

On Saturday the Austin Daily Herald will publish its final TV listings in the newspaper. We recognize this ...


Our Opinion: Bing-OH! Spring starts this Saturday

Our annual Bing-OH! Spring contest is returning for another round complete with cash prizes. Cards are included in ...


Thumbs up, thumbs down

Thumbs up to the Boy Scout fundraising efforts. Recently, the Twin Valley Council of Boy Scouts of America, ...


Our Opinion: Share your good news

We sit in a unique position as a newspaper in a small community and rural area like ours. ...


Our Opinion: Why do we print court dispositions in the paper?

Every couple of months we receive contact from someone in the public asking us why we print court ...


Our opinion: Time to get your brackets ready

March Madness is upon us, and while the University of Minnesota will not be in the field, the ...


Thumbs up, Thumbs Down

Thumbs up for local talent. There are a number of shows coming to live venues in the coming ...


Our opinion: Dig into discovering the truth this election cycle

For better or worse, we are now into another campaign season. The political landscape has not been dulled ...


Our opinion: A canine for support is a bill we can all get behind

Earlier this week, Rep. Patricia Mueller presented bill HF 4215 to the House Public Safety and Finance Committee, ...

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