Letters to the Editor

Letter: Thanks for caring for Blooming Prairie resident

Marian Becker and the children of Robert Becker wish to thank the staff of Prairie Manor Care Center ...


Youth for Christ needs support, volunteers

By Rick Miller YFC City Life director South Central Minnesota Youth for Christ is happy to announce a ...


Letter: Thanks to Santa and businesses

We would like to extend a big thank you to Santa and the many, many local businesses that ...

Letters to the Editor

Letter: Thanks for renaming Ellis pool

I can’t begin to thank all the people who made renaming the Ellis pool as the Bud Higgins ...

Letters to the Editor

Letter: Hormel retirees appreciate guests

The Hormel Retirees and guests would like to thank the following merchants for their generous contributions to our ...

Letters to the Editor

Letter: Take steps to stop illegal immigration

Over the years I have had many people ask me what I would like to see done on ...

Letters to the Editor

Never too soon to plan for flowers

As the winter wind blows here in southeastern Minnesota, our thoughts are now turning to … flower baskets. ...

Letters to the Editor

Letter: Salvation Army kettles a worthy cause

As an Austin Salvation Army bell ringer, I get to see many of the best traits that the ...

Letters to the Editor

Letter: Stick to the plan

In the Dec. 6 editorial “Give excess back,” the Austin Daily Herald requests the city of Austin return ...

Letters to the Editor

Letter: Red Cross helps family of five after last week’s fire in Rose Creek

A family of five was left homeless after a fire in Rose Creek last Tuesday night. The home ...

Letters to the Editor

Letter: How does a dead cell come to life?

As a subscriber to fanatically pro-evolution magazines  (Scientific American for the last few years, and more recently to ...

Letters to the Editor

Letter: A warning to voters who supported levies

Now that many school levy requests were approved and the propaganda blizzards have subsided, I’d like to remind ...

Letters to the Editor

Letter: Employees who help handicapped deserve a raise

Poverty wages for professional work. This is what staff members receive for the demanding job they perform in ...


Enjoy this Thanksgiving with these fun facts

With Thanksgiving soon approaching here are some interesting facts. Though many competing claims exist, the most familiar story ...


Mower Co. Special Olympics pairs with Schwan’s

Mower County Special Olympics has partnered with Schwan’s Cares to offer a simple way to raise funds between ...

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