Letters to the Editor

Tax hikes will hurt

By Dennis Schminke Austin Barely 20 days remain in the 2013 session of the Minnesota legislature. Governor Dayton ...

Letters to the Editor

Taxes invest in disability programs

By Dawn Helgeson Austin One of the most important decisions that state senators will make this legislative session ...

Letters to the Editor

Thanks for supporting Easter event

By Cynthia Goskeson Christian Education Director Westminster Presbyterian Church of Austin On behalf of Westminster Presbyterian Church of ...


Thanks for supporting dairy banquet

Dear Mower County Dairy Princess Banquet and Scholarship supporter, thank you for your support of the 2013 annual ...


Thanks for helping make spay/neuter clinic a success

The Mower County Humane Society would like to thank the Austin Vet Clinic for its help in making ...


Thanks to all for finding lost purse

Our great thanks to the following Austin people for assisting us in retrieving my purse which I had ...


Letter: We must re-educate our hearts on marriage

I have lived in the Austin community for the past five years, having moved from Topeka, Kansas. As ...

Letters to the Editor

‘Thank you people’

The Austin/Albert Lea March of Dimes would like to thank the following local business and individuals for the ...

Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor: Women’s dinner was wonderful

A wonderful evening was had by the attendees at the St. Edwards Corcoran Center celebrating the Zonta Club ...

Letters to the Editor

State’s legislature running too large

By William Schaffer Austin   Yes, we have to cut the size of our legislature. With 134 representatives ...

Letters to the Editor

Letter: Enforce illegal immigration laws

The “reform” in “comprehensive immigration reform” is a sham because our immigration laws, if properly enforced, work fine ...


Boy Scouts shouldn’t change practices

This is in response to the March 12 letter “Columnist Alcorn errors must be rectified.” The author apparently ...


Thanks for sympathies

Our heartfelt thanks and gratitude to all our relatives, friends and neighbors for the flowers, food, cards of ...

Letters to the Editor

Thanks for donating to food shelf

With the end of March comes the end of Food Share Month in Minnesota.

Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor: Show some respect

Recently, on a popular national morning news program, a clip was shown of a high profile Republican female ...

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