Letters to the Editor

Letter: Sidearms for bear protection?

Reference to the gun permit article in the Herald (“It’s a touchy subject,” Feb. 12), Paul Stahnke stated ...

Letters to the Editor

Letter: Restrictions hamper business

I would like to comment and agree with Jean Hasting’s letter in the Herald (“Don’t put a damper ...

Letters to the Editor

Letter: Create more than you consume

Letter to the Editor “The soul is the part of us that responds to morality, spirituality, aesthetics and ...


Tobacco tax is worth saving lives

Most people don’t like to hear the word “tax,” but there is one instance where the word actually ...

Letters to the Editor

Don’t put a damper on business for downtown Austin

We are a family owned business since 1909 in Austin — 104 years, same family name.

Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor: The deeper the debt, the richer we get

An obvious solution has occurred to me regarding our national debt, the deficit and larger, seldom mentioned private ...

Letters to the Editor

Benefit was a big hit for Bellrichard

Family, friends and community all came together at the Austin Eagles on Sunday, January 20th in a show ...

Letters to the Editor

Letter: Help appreciated after fall in garage

Thank you to all of the people who kept me alive and helped me get back on my ...

Letters to the Editor

Letter: Speak out about ‘fallout’ from burn

Little did we realize Feb. 2, 2013, Groundhog Day would be a day marked by not only projecting ...

Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor: Thanks for being part of memorial

The Tyler Brady family would like to thank Austin Youth Hockey, the many local businesses that contributed to ...

Letters to the Editor

Consider consequences before trapping

Last week, I was walking my 7-month-old Brittany puppy on the abandoned railroad track paralleling Highway 218 South, ...

Letters to the Editor

Care needed for those with limited insurance

My name is Ron Bandel and I live in Brownsdale, Minn. I’m retired and make $494 a month. ...

Letters to the Editor

Debates are example of Social Darwinism

John E. Gibson, Blooming Prairie Simply put, Social Darwinism is the belief that “it’s a dog-eat-dog world.” Some, ...

Letters to the Editor

Paramount Jazz was truly a community project

On behalf of the Austin Public Schools Band program, we would like to extend a gracious note of ...


Pay more for Congress, less for security at Social Security offices

To U.S. senators Al Franken and Amy Klobuchar, and Minn. Rep. Jeanne Poppe, Since George W. Bush (as ...

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