Letters to the Editor

Appreciated all who helped with Christmas in City

Last Friday, Nov. 25, I enjoyed the wonderful kickoff of Christmas in the City.

Letters to the Editor

Environment position cut upsets Ikes

The Austin Izaak Walton League and residents of Mower County should be and are deeply disappointed with the ...

Letters to the Editor

Austin would prosper with new hiring practices

It is time for Hormel and QPP to change their hiring practices. With troops coming home from Iraq, they ...

Letters to the Editor

Great towns lift up their neighbors

There is only one difference between a good community and an incredible community: the amount of help given ...

Letters to the Editor

Blame game not answer at schools

In a 2001 report to Congress, the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services states, “Poverty is the ...


Think locally when gift-shopping

Black Friday is coming and I personally don’t have the energy to wake up at 2 a.m. and ...


VFW brings Showtime comic to Austin

Austin VFW Post 1216’s monthly comedy show “Very Funny Wednesday”, 7 p.m. Nov. 16 at, starring headliner Jon ...

Letters to the Editor

Support for food drive appreciated

The Austin Jaycees and letter carriers want to thank the generous citizens of Austin for helping stock our ...

Letters to the Editor

Keep school’s logo

So the University of North Dakota has been forced by both the NCAA and a new North Dakota ...

Letters to the Editor

Tourism important as Vision 2020 narrows ideas

We want to thank everyone in the Austin area for taking time to share their ideas for Vision ...


Letter: Stance on gay marriage off base

Mr. Wallace Alcorn, The idea from your Oct. 21 column (Vote in 2012 will be on gay marriage ...

Letters to the Editor

Photo project misunderstood

I have become aware of some misunderstandings about the APS Inside & Out photo project that have made ...

Letters to the Editor

Coat drive a big success

We would like to extend a sincere thank you to everyone in the community who donated towards the ...

Guest Columns

Collaboration could save money

One way that our city can save money is collaboration with other government entities. I will be attending ...

Letters to the Editor

Appreciates support for Bible event

I wish to express sincere gratitude to everyone who made the Saint John's Bible Reception on Sunday, Oct. ...

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