Riverland to host 2018 Ag Summit
Registration is now open for Riverland Community College’s 2018 Ag Summit, to be held from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 27 at the Holiday Inn Conference Center in Austin.
The theme for this year’s summit is “Agriculture Renewed,” a celebration and coming together of the energy, people and ideas that are moving the college’s Center for Agricultural and Food Science Technology forward, according to the center’s interim director, Dan Hoffman.
Among the speakers will be Riverland alumnus and Lyle native, Dr. Jerry Nelson, who spent time in North Korea and other global locations, who will give his thoughts on education, agriculture, food policy, government and leadership. Retired National FFA officer Valerie Earley of Wykoff will talk about her year in office and the importance of youth leadership development.
Riverland’s Farm Business Management instructor Kyle Huneke will share his experience working with producers on niche markets, local foods and distance learning to improve their profitability. Consultant Da’Nela Higgins will speak on the recent “Growing Acres” conference held at the college and an Ag Summit Panel break-out sessions will also be held.
This year’s Young Farmer Award, presented by Farm Bureau, will also be presented.
Several vendors will be on hand to share information and a noon lunch will be served.
Registration deadline is Feb. 21. To register go to: https://www.riverland.edu/about-riverland/community-services/agriculture-summit/registration-form/