Volleyball leagues get under way on Thursday
It is time to register your adult volleyball team.
The registration deadline for the Fall Dig is on Thursday. All leagues will play at Ellis Middle School.
Coed league begins on Sept. 18 and the women’s league will start on Sept. 23. The team entry fee is $169 plus the $8 per player fee. If you would like to sign up, please call our office and we can send you information or check the city website at www.ci.austin.mn.us for the informational letter and roster form.
If anyone is interested in officiating our volleyball leagues please call our office. It can be a good way to earn some extra cash.
Youth in grades fifth and eighth interested in volleyball can play games on Sundays beginning Nov. 1 through Dec. 13 in Austin High School’s Hastings Gym and practice on Mondays is at Ellis Middle School from Oct. 26 to Dec. 7. Cost is $50 per player.
This program is designed for players to play in a competitive league while still learning skills, knowledge, sportsmanship and team building. We are also hoping to include area town with the potential of travel in the 50 miles radius on some Sundays or Saturdays. If a team desires to play in the MSF Tournament in Austin on March 5, 2016, we will bring them together to practice prior to the tournament. Cost per player is $20. Those in eighth-grade will have the opportunity to try out for the 14U team AAVB JO winter team in December.
Almost time for hockey
Ice will be ready in Riverside Arena soon. We will offer a fall adult hockey league beginning Sept. 23 and will run for six weeks. The deadline to sign your team up will be Sept. 18. Players must be 18 years old as of June 1, 2015. No games will begin before 6:30 p.m.
There will be one official and one scorekeeper for each game. Team entry fee is $510, which breaks down to $51 per player with a 10 person roster or $8.50 per week. The roster limit is 20 players.
Flag football
Dome football anyone? We will offer seven-man adult flag football starting on Dec. 1. Players must be 18 as of June 1, 2015, with a roster limit of 20. Games will not start before 6:30 p.m. There will be one official provided per game. Contact the Parks and Recreation office for the cost of entering a team.
Kids can sign up for basketball which will begin Oct. 20 through Dec. 3 for those in kindergarten through sixth-grade.
This is a non-traveling league played at Banfield Elementary school to teach and practice skills needed to perfect your game. Skills will be practiced on Tuesdays for all grade levels and on Thursdays those in second and sixth-grade will put them to use in game situations.
The kindergarten and first-graders will continue to work on skills on Thursdays being introduced to games throughout the course of the program.
The fee to register is $20, the deadline to register is Oct. 16. Kindergarten and first-grade meet from 5:30 to 6:15 p.m.; second and third-graders meet 6:20-7:05 p.m. and fourth and sixth-grade meet from 7:10 to 8 p.m. For more information you may contact our office.
Friends of the Nature Center
Have you ever given it a thought to join the Friends of the Jay C. Hormel Nature Center?
The benefits of being a member include the semiannual newsletter, an invitation to the Friends Annual Meeting, $5 off each child’s fee for all summer adventure programs, $5 off tickets to the Thanksgiving Feast, members-only bus tour field trips, members-only events and classes for youth and families at the Nature Center, an opportunity to give a one-year gift membership to a non-member and an opportunity to support and promote environmental education programming.
A membership can make a great gift to give, check it out.