Visiting a new destination for the annual mystery trip
Our annual mystery trip was Aug. 14, with another new destination that included a variety of stops that perhaps our travelers experienced for the first time.
Let’s see.
Clues included were: “A great destination, you know. Don’t forget the sunglasses, but leave the walking shoes at home.” Second week clue: “Will it be Art, History, Good Food and Fun.” Come along and join us, you may be the lucky one.”
Our destination was our neighbors to the east —Winona, a beautiful city. Arriving at the picturesque visitors center, we enjoyed hot coffee and delicious rolls, including their famous maple long johns with strips of bacon on top.
The town’s mayor Mark Peterson, greeted us and took us on a tour of the city which included the historic Merchants Bank, St. Mary’s University,Watkins building and Fastenol plant.
There was so much to see in the two hour tour it warrants a return visit.
Lunch was waiting for us on the Hillside Fish House dock featuring fish tacos as one of their specialties.
Following lunch, the sunglasses came out for our tour of the Mississippi River.
We were especially surprised to learn and see the residents that make their permanent home on the river.
We made a stop at the Minnesota Marine Art Museum. The museum is home to some of the most unique and significant works of marine art, including Georgia O’Keeffe and Emanuel Leutze’s masterpiece of “Washington Crossing the Deleware.”
There were also the works of Vincent Van Gogh, Claude Monet and Pablo Picasso.
Upcoming trips
•Monday: Minnesota State Fair. Departing at 7:30 a.m. from the south end of Walmart.
•Wednesday: Document party for the riverboat cruise in Europe will meet. Branson Christmas trip deposit is due.
The September newsletter will be available soon with more information.