Ed briefs: area graduations, dean’s list students
—Faith Halverson of Hayfield graduated from North Dakota State University with a degree in accounting.
—Keith Cich of Austin graduated from Clarion University in Pennsylvania with a degree in library science.
Dean’s lists
—Drew Osier of Austin was named to the fall 2012 dean’s list at Central College in Iowa. Osier studies business management.
—Three area residents were named to the fall 2012 dean’s list at Waldorf College in Iowa: Molly Maschka of Austin and Caleb Gilbertson and Bobbie Stephens of Hayfield.
—Mark Harber of Austin was named to the fall 2012 dean’s list at the College of St. Scholastica.
—Julia Bartemes and Stephanie Kocer, both of Austin, were named to the fall 2012 dean’s list at Drake University in Iowa.
—Ingrid Baudler of Austin was named to the fall 2012 dean’s list at Luther College in Iowa.
—Four Austin residents were named to the fall 2012 semester dean’s list at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul: Gabriel Benedict, Jonathan Halvin, Kari Johnson and Leihla Wachlin. Greta Gilbertson of Baxter was also named to the list.
—Three local residents were named to the fall 2012 dean’s list at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire: Molly Bissen, education and human services, Austin; Lauren Edwards, arts and sciences, Austin; and Bailey Gomer, arts and sciences, Grand Meadow.
—Ten area residents were named to the fall 2012 dean’s list at Iowa State University: Kelly Gray, open option, Adams; Andrew Schmitz, computer engineering, Adams; Daniel Collier, finance, Austin; Kelli Craven, kinesthesiology and health, Austin; David Erdahl, agronomy, Austin; Neil Wallace Erdahl, agronomy, Austin; Meredith Molhusen, animal science, Austin; Lauren Nelson, chemical engineering, Austin; Molly Frank, animal science, Dexter; and Zackery Canterbury, animal science, Rose Creek.